Although the shortest chapter in the Bhagavad-Gita, Chapter Twelve contains essential insights on devotional service. Krishna discusses the path of devotion, the stages one may progress through to achieve it, and the qualities of the devotee who has perfected it. “God” is generally defined as “the supreme controller.” In this chapter, however, we gain insight into the more cherished aspects of God’s personality, and the disposition of the devotee who has conquered His heart through devotion.
In response to Arjuna’s question, Krishna again picks up the discussion of impersonalism. It seems to be a recurring theme in the text, and one may wonder why. Krishna explains that a personal approach to God through bhakti-yoga (devotional service) is not only powerful and practical, but more fruitful and satisfying. The very essence of our being is to seek happiness (anandamaya bhyasat), and happiness ultimately lies in relationships. For a relationship to exist there must be a subject, object and reciprocity. Impersonal notions of ‘oneness,’ however, annihilate all three and thereby cheat the individual of the true happiness we all seek. While those who tread the impersonal path of spirituality undoubtedly receive spiritual merit, the practice is troublesome, the progress is piecemeal, and the rewards are meagre. Thus, one reason Srila Prabhupada continually refers to Krishna as the ‘Godhead’ is to remind us that God is ultimately a person who must be approached as such.
In these verses, Krishna demonstrates His magnanimity and kindness. Having established the most evolved path of spirituality, He goes on to offer various options, recognising that some may be unable to immediately embrace a pure devotional path. Progressive steps towards such a devotional spirit include the practice of regulated spirituality, worship through one’s daily work, offering of charity, and the cultivation of knowledge. The spiritual path is not all or nothing and one can begin their journey according to what is feasible, achievable and realistic at this point in their journey.
In the previous chapter, Krishna displayed the entirety of the cosmos to Arjuna, and now Krishna sheds light on the inner world. He describes the charming character of an outstanding spiritualist which endears him to everyone. In our dealings with the Divine, the external offerings will never be that impressive... what unique gifts can infinitesimal beings really offer to the Supreme Creator? Yet, the purity of character and depth of devotion that a devotee exudes immediately attracts Divine attention, for Krishna is ever- interested in loving exchange based on pure selflessness. As one develops purity of consciousness, traits such as tolerance, determination, satisfaction and equanimity of mind automatically manifest within one’s character. That said, conscientious spiritualists also endeavour to consciously cultivate such qualities, as they are supportive to one’s spiritual growth. Devotees endowed with such an attractive and spotless character conquer the heart of Krishna, who becomes bound by their devotion. Such are the dealings within the spiritual domain.
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